Honolulu Oahu Brain Injury Claims Honolulu Personal Injury Attorney - Claims We Handle Important Initial Steps for Your Claims Honolulu Personal Injury Attorney - Call us now

Honolulu TBI Accident Attorney - Oahu

Honolulu Hawaii Fatal Accident Attorney Bill Lawson

Top Brain Injury Lawyer Honolulu Oahu

Brain Injury in Hawaii

William H. Lawson and Amy L. Woodward, Honolulu Injury Attorneys, provide free consultations to evaluate brain injury cases. Most cases are handled on a contingency fee, so "No recovery - No fee." This means that if the Law Offices of William H. Lawson agree to handle your case on a contingency fee, there will be no attorneys' fees charged unless we win. Here at Brain Injury Lawyer Hawaii, we are dedicated to helping the families of the victims of brain injury, TBI, head injuries and spinal cord injuries to get back on their feet again. If you or someone you love has been the victim of a brain injury, we'll help you get your life back together again.

Personal injury claims are claims for damages arising out of the wrongful conduct of others. For such damages to be addressed in Hawaii's courts, generally the cause of action giving rise to such a claim must have sufficient connections to Hawaii so that Hawaii's courts are willing to hear the matter. For individuals harmed in such a way through the fault or negligence of another party, Hawaii state law generally provides that the victim is entitled to assert a their claims in Hawaii's courts. This is usually done through an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Hawaii. Such a claim is an opportunity to receive compensation for the medical and other costs associated with the injuries and the resulting damages and loss. Most head injury claims which are handled by a lawyer in the state of Hawaii arise as the result of negligence or a failure to exercise appropriate care. Other claims may be based in strict liability, recklessness, intentional conduct or another basis for liability.

Brain injury claims arise due to car accidents, other motor vehicle accidents, product defect accidents, fires, explosions, construction accidents, boating, ocean and maritime accidents, falls from height, wrongful death, drunk drivers, dangerous dogs and other animals, electrical accidents, elevator accidents, dangerous conditions on property, safety violations and other causes.

Inital Steps in Making Your Claim

After a catastrophic accident it is usually very important injury claim investigation (from the point of view of making a claim) to preserve whatever evidence is available regarding the accident. This usually involves documenting, saving, storing, and preserving whatever evidence it is possible to document, save, store and preserve and photographing and videotaping all evidence that may for some reason be perishable or subject to change. It also involves locating and interviewing witnesses to the accident and others who may be familiar with the conditions which gave rise to the accident before memories fade or other reasons intervene to prevent the collection of this information. For more information, please visit Inital Steps in Making Your Claim.

Successful resolution of a brain injury claim can be critical to the future of the claimant. The funds recovered in a brain injury claim can pay back bills and ensure proper medical care for the future. They also can help to prevent enormous financial problems related to the injuries. Such claims often include claims for tangible losses such as a past wage loss, a loss of future income, medical expenses, vocational rehabilitation expenses, substitute services and the like. Such claims also typically include claims for intangible losses such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of consortium, loss of love and affection and the like. A personal injury claim may never get your life back to what it was before the injury, but with the help of an experienced brain injury attorney, you may at least be able to recover some of the losses from the accident.


Every type of claim has a deadline for filing the claim in court. These differ from state to state. The deadlines given on this website are those applicable in the state of Hawaii - since we are located in the state of Hawaii. This type of deadline is known as the Statute of Limitations. After the expiration of this time period, the claim usually will be lost - regardless of its merits. There are various exceptions to the deadlines (minority, incompetency, etc.), so it may still be worth evaluating a claim even after the deadline has expired. Please note that because of these deadlines, you must act promptly to contact Brain Injury Attorney Hawaii on any claims which you may wish to pursue.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured, Contact Brain Injury Lawyer Hawaii now for a free evaluation of your case.

Here are some organizations of interest to those who have suffered a severe brain or spinal cord injury:

BIAA The Brain Injury Association of America's listing of brain injury resources nationwide.

TBI support groups and forums Braintalk.org's online patient support group and forums for brain injury and neurology.

Spinal Cord Injuries SpinalCord.org's website - information and resources for living well after SCI

National Library of Medicine National Library of Medicine's website - the world's largest medical library

National Institute Of Health National Institute Of Health's website - medical research and health information

New England Journal Of Medicine New England Journal Of Medicine's website - new medical research findings, articles, and editorials


Facebook Company page for Accident Lawyer Hawaii - William H. Lawson LinkedIn Company page for Top Honolulu Personal Injury Attorney William H. Lawson

Brain Injury Lawyer Hawaii

William H. Lawson, Esq. and
Amy L. Woodward, Esq.

Century Square
1188 Bishop St. Suite 2902
Honolulu, HI 96813

New client hotline:
(808) 524-5300

Pearl City, Aiea and Waipahu:
(808) 671-7600

Main business phone:
(808) 528-2525

Get a free consultation

Directions to Honolulu office

Added Research Tools

Products Liability - Cases & Comment at Accident Lawyer Hawaii.com (leaving this site)

Jones Act - maritime law and seaman cases at Accident Lawyer Hawaii.com (leaving this site)

The Constitution Of The State Of Hawaii at Injury Lawyer Hawaii.com (leaving this site)

Recent Personal Injury and Car Accident News

On Saturday, December 28, 2024, at just before 8 pm, EMS of Honolulu responded to an accident on H2 southbound near Ka Uka Blvd. A major rollover accident had occurred involving three young adult passengers in a single vehicle. All 3 were injured and transported in serious condition to a nearby trauma hospital. See, Major rollover accident on H2. Although there was no collision between vehicles, the occupants of the single vehicle, especially the passengers, may have personal injury claims worth evaluating.

Awards and Honors

AV Preeminent rated by Martindale Hubbell Martindale Hubbell - AV rated lawyer - Best Rating Possible Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum AVVO Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney AVVO Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney, 10 of 10 ATLA Top 100 Trial Lawyers ATLA Top 100 5.0 of 5.0 top rated by Lawyers.com Lawyers.com - Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 - Top Rating Possible National Trial Lawyers - Top Lawyer National Trial Lawyers - Top 100 Trial Lawyers Million Dollar Advocates Forum Million Dollar Advocates Forum American Society of Legal Advocates - Top 100 - 2017 American Society of Legal Advocates - Top 100 - 2017 Marquis' Who's Who Marquis' Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in America and Who's Who in American Law AVVO Clients' Choice Personal Injury Lawyer AVVO Clients' Choice Personal Injury Lawyer American Society of Legal Advocates - Top 100 - 2015 American Society of Legal Advocates - Top 100 - 2015 Best Attorneys in America - Life Charter Member Best Attorneys in America - Life Charter Member

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