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Effective since January 1, 2005

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William H. Lawson 1188 Bishop St. Suite 2902 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813


This "Terms of Use" is copyright and may not be used without the express written permission of William H. Lawson. All rights reserved.

Privacy Policy

Effective since January 1, 2005


We understand that confidentiality of communications is of importance to our clients and those requesting information about our services. As a general business practice, we hold these communications in strict confidence.

If you have any confidentiality concerns, please contact us.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is simple and straightforward:

(1) We do not "harvest" email addresses from our website visitors to sell to third parties. We may use emails addresses which are provided to us to communicate about pending matters of concern clients, prospective clients and other website visitors. This may include matters relating to legislation, politics, the courts, various judges and decisions and other matters.

(2) Personal and/or business information provided to us by our clients and website visitors is generally treated confidentially. If you provide such information to us by email, telephone, letter, an online form on our website or other means, we may use that information to provide you with information about our services, to respond to your requests or to send you information in accordance with the previous paragraph.

(3) Our online inquiry forms and emails collect some or all of the following personally identifying information:

-Name -Address, City, State, Zip Code -Phone number and/or email address (at least one is required)

None of the above personally-identifying information is stored on our website, and thus we provide no online process for individuals to review and request changes to any of their personally identifiable information collected through our website's online forms. If you wish to correct errors or make changes to information previously sent to us by email, please feel free to send us another email or to call on the phone.

(4) Our web hosting company collects and stores the following information about our website visitors: the numerical IP address or domain name from which they access the Internet; the date and time our site is accessed; the pages you visited and whether they successfully downloaded to your browser; and sometimes the Internet address of the website from which you may have accessed our website (such as Google.com). We use this information only to understand how many visitors we get and how visitors use our website so that we can improve it. We do not sell this information to anyone for any reason. Surfing our website will not impart other personally-identifying information to us, unless you choose to provide such information to us.

(5) Comments upon any pages of our website which are provided to us by our visitors are used exclusively for our benefit, and are likewise not sold to any third party for any reason.

(6) Notification of Changes to Privacy Policy. Most of the above Privacy Policy has been unchanged since our websites first went online back in the late 1980's. In the event that we make changes to or update this Privacy Policy, we will post such changes or updates to this page of our website with the corresponding effective date.

If you have any privacy concerns, please feel free to contact us.


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Brain Injury Lawyer Hawaii

William H. Lawson, Esq. and
Amy L. Woodward, Esq.

Century Square
1188 Bishop St. Suite 2902
Honolulu, HI 96813

New client hotline:
(808) 524-5300

Pearl City, Aiea and Waipahu:
(808) 671-7600

Main business phone:
(808) 528-2525

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Directions to Honolulu office

Added Research Tools

Products Liability - Cases & Comment at Accident Lawyer Hawaii.com (leaving this site)

Jones Act - maritime law and seaman cases at Accident Lawyer Hawaii.com (leaving this site)

The Constitution Of The State Of Hawaii at Injury Lawyer Hawaii.com (leaving this site)

Recent Personal Injury and Car Accident News

On Saturday, December 28, 2024, at just before 8 pm, EMS of Honolulu responded to an accident on H2 southbound near Ka Uka Blvd. A major rollover accident had occurred involving three young adult passengers in a single vehicle. All 3 were injured and transported in serious condition to a nearby trauma hospital. See, Major rollover accident on H2. Although there was no collision between vehicles, the occupants of the single vehicle, especially the passengers, may have personal injury claims worth evaluating.

Awards and Honors

AV Preeminent rated by Martindale Hubbell Martindale Hubbell - AV rated lawyer - Best Rating Possible Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum AVVO Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney AVVO Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney, 10 of 10 ATLA Top 100 Trial Lawyers ATLA Top 100 5.0 of 5.0 top rated by Lawyers.com Lawyers.com - Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 - Top Rating Possible National Trial Lawyers - Top Lawyer National Trial Lawyers - Top 100 Trial Lawyers Million Dollar Advocates Forum Million Dollar Advocates Forum American Society of Legal Advocates - Top 100 - 2017 American Society of Legal Advocates - Top 100 - 2017 Marquis' Who's Who Marquis' Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in America and Who's Who in American Law AVVO Clients' Choice Personal Injury Lawyer AVVO Clients' Choice Personal Injury Lawyer American Society of Legal Advocates - Top 100 - 2015 American Society of Legal Advocates - Top 100 - 2015 Best Attorneys in America - Life Charter Member Best Attorneys in America - Life Charter Member

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There is NO CHARGE for sending your case information to our law firm. The information provided on this website is preliminary and informational ONLY. It is not legal advice. The use of our webpages does not establish an attorney-client relationship. This website is copyright 1999-2020 and the contents of this website are the property of Brain Injury Lawyers William H Lawson and Amy L. Woodward. The Terms and Conditions of Use for this website and our Privacy Policy are available here for your consideration. All rights reserved.

Brain Injury Lawyer Hawaii

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